Saturn Conjunct Saturn This is the storied Saturn return, whether you're having it between the ages of 28.5-30, 58-60, or 88-90. And this will provoke you, since certain circumstances and people seem to stand in your way putting you to the test to see if you will endure, resist, or abandon the matter in question. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. This can lead to some feelings of isolation or a feeling of being un-parented and alone in this world. You know to yourself that we experience ups and downs. Old bad habits may resurface for resolve. Everyday coping skills can be compromised at this timechores and routines seem to be harder to do or more burdensome than usual. Although Saturn transits are not traditionally considered blessings, Saturn does seem to know when we are in need of some stability, steadiness, and even cooling down, and these periods are often when Saturn trines and sextiles our personal planets or points. You live through threatening situations. Something like it wasn't you. You do not want anything that will make your life worse. They give authority from your life so; it's best to communicate with them. You vacillate between feeling emboldened and encumbered. We are ridding ourselves of projects that no longer serve their purpose, and learning to cut out the fluff in our lives so that we can focus on projects that truly matter. If disposed to a cautious approach, you may grind to a halt. Parents Click Here to View ReaXium Information. Mars Opposite Saturn Aspects Natal and Transit | You might also enjoy this article about Mars Conjunct North Node. Time will pass by so fast, and you'll know that you were able to get through this. In the body it represents the processes of ageing. Steps need to be taken now to strengthen our ties to others by first working on ourselves. Our thinking is more realistic and practical. You go through the motions, but your passion is halted. Transit Saturn Conjunct Natal Mars ~ Disciplined Energy You must now demonstrate how you can overcome obstacles and difficulties, and, as a consequence, establish your independence and individuality more. You are losing the rose-colored glasses and eventually you will be able to see your relationships in a most realistic lightyou will see them for exactly what they are. Transit Saturn Conjunct Moon The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Moon makes you feel depressed and lonely while at the same time you feel very demanding and critical of yourself. While the changes come quite naturally and flowingly with the trine, the sextile represents opportunities that need to be grabbed. Since Saturn rules experts, please reach out to a professional if you're struggling with heavy thoughts or drifting into a dark place. The quality of your relationships is most important to you now. The transit of Mars sextile your natal Saturn makes you very patient and puts you in a position to do things well. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Think about the energies involved. Its time to assess your relationship needs, attitudes, and capabilities. Transiting Saturn on natal Mars: concentrating your energies To quote and reserve your charter bus service and for help with . Or that someone or something has been preventing you from getting what you want or deserve. Moderation in these areas is easier to maintain. When the time when these two planets conjunct, you need to prepare yourself for any situation. Being patient and accepting the limitations to your desires can fortify you for the occasion when restrictions no longer impede you. When Saturn transits square or opposition Mars: This is a time when we face obstacles, blockages, or opposition to our sense of freedom, our drive, and our ambitions. Its a time to draw on your patience and determination since obstacles tend to emerge more than usual, but theyre also temporary. rise 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! Initially, you might feel frustrated and thwarted, or you may experience a lack of drive and enthusiasm. Transiting Saturn square Uranus Problems with teeth often accompany this transit. Conjunct means: Power joins together the energies of Saturn and Mars. Saturn offers us realism, and with transits to the Sun, we see ourselves more clearly and realistically. Also, it would be easy for you to do hard tasks. Circumstances may be such that you are required to exercise restraint in your life now. The Transit aspect has a connection with prediction. Sun Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Work on Your Ideas - HoroscopeJoy If you are normally less disciplined, this transit may prove very difficult. I read that this is usually a time of experiencing constraints in activities and somewhat frustrating period as one can feel blocked. This book is heavy reading, but powerful and insightful. You may provoke others or they may see you as a threat. Transiting Saturn sextile or trine Jupiter The transit of Saturn sextile your natal Mars enables you to work hard with a lot of perseverance, and thus demonstrate your skills and worth. This might manifest as an authority figure demanding a great deal from you, and you becoming increasingly frustrated with the requirements or your own progress. What we learn now, we retain. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Mars meets Saturn just once every two years and this aspect can signify a major turning point or transition. Time for Tenacity - Mars Conjunct Saturn - Forrest Astrology When transiting Saturn is conjunct your natal Mars: Depending on your temperament, this can either be a time of great frustration or major achievement. Pressures exist now that are likely too much for you to conquer, and you do best to bide your time, otherwise you can encounter one obstacle after another. sun. Because the Sun rules our vitality, we may feel that our energy is somewhat depleted. You will be examining the ways you express your anger, how that has hindered you in the past, and how you might better do so in the future. While you may have a clear ambition, obligations may redirect your drive towards what others demand of you, and those in authority can diminish your ability to pursue your own objectives. This is a period when progress on the domestic front is slow, delayed, or denied. You are becoming more mature in your thinking, and while you may be swinging to a more negative or critical outlook in the initial stages of this transit, this process may be necessary in order to reach a balanced, mature, and realistic state. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Fears that you might get hurt could be self-fulfilling prophecies if you are not careful now. You will have a fairly realistic view of the results you can get from your efforts. Saturn has a way of identifying weak links or weak foundations and applying pressure on them. We may be assessing our achievements to date, and we are extremely sensitive to whether or not we have been recognized on a professional level as well as on a personal level. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Conjunct Saturn Mars Conjunct Saturn Important matters come to your attention-duties can motivate you. At times, these challenges have been frustrating, as if you're living life with the brakes on. It is a good time to develop patience and tolerance, and act with discipline and perseverance to produce modest results, knowing that this period will pass, instead of fighting with more energy and provoking more opposition. If you experience the transit, then you might have dreams like someone who have shared his story about it. During the Mars conjunct Saturn transit, you may tend to divert your attention to important issues, requiring that enough focus is placed on making your motivations more realistic. There is an area of your life where you have simply outgrown yourself, at least inwardly. I also fear losing my energy level because in Sept 2010 Saturn was opposing. With these aspects, you are learning to find happiness in the more simple things in life, as well as in living a more structured and responsible existence. Both the younger generation of saturn in gemini. Saturn wants us to work hard, put our energies into practical, useful, and meaningful projects, and to live in the here and now. How each of you approaches the relationship in terms of commitment, loyalty, and pleasure are likely to be issues on the table. The part of your life thats being touched by the Saturnian energies needs to grow upwhich, despite the lies were all told, is not a process one mysteriously completes on ones twenty-first birthday. You are working towards ridding yourself of self-delusions when it comes to close partnerships, socializing, finances, and attractiveness. Circumstances may be such that you are required to exercise restraint in your life now. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. When Saturn transits trine or sextile Mercury, we are more apt to organize our lives and to improve our skills. The important thing is not to feel unsuccessful, but to be able to recognize your own mistakes in order to correct them in the future. The transit of Mars trine your natal Saturn makes you very patient and puts you in a position to do things well. Transiting Saturn wants to inhibit the assertive energies of Mars and you should only take on projects with narrow objectives, so you are focused avoid far reaching plans and be more careful as accidents can happen more during this time Useful Saturn Conjunct Natal Mars Crystals Onyx Ruby Chart Learn Astrology Videos Lunar Node Axis Shift If you look at it in a sexual way, it can bring you immense stamina and active life in the future. Sometimes we can draw great strength from these phases. Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. You need to be respected and something makes you feel how difficult it will be to get it. Mars Conjunct Ascendant: Facing These People And Transit Head On! Ego boosts dont seem to be forthcoming, or if they are, we dont see them in such a light. If you have no loose ends in your life, Saturn will have nothing to chop off. As the transit progresses, you will be learning to direct your energies into endeavors that are truly helpful and useful to you. Saturn Transits to Natal Moon - Copyright 1998-2023 Veraxs Int'l Inc. All rights reserved. In tradition, like Mars Trine Pluto Synastry, Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit would give you a hard time when you want to express your anger and repulsiveness. More commonly this affects your social and work life, but it can also affect your personal life. You may feel lonely, isolated from others. Yet, life has taught you how to pace yourself and persevere. You have control over yourself. Often, any action taken by letting yourself be carried away by your frustration has great potential to turn against you and become a failure, so you must learn self-discipline and perseverance, without explosions or anger, even if you feel provoked and blocked by people or circumstances. You can order a personalized forecast report from our Future Forecast Reports page. Like him, you'll feel anxious every time in your dream and also might feel it wasn't your own dream. You might be challenged to build something solid or real from your original ideas. It is the right thing to do and the right time. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. This transit tends to reduce the uncertainty, at the very least with regards to our capabilities, and offers a welcome reprieve from feelings of guilt and fear. This could lead to many pent-up feelings, including anger. At the very least, our self-expression becomes more sober and practical. The tragic recent suicide of Robin Williams sits in the shadow of this transit. You now act in an organized manner and can take into account more details and get more out of your efforts. It could even mean no job. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Mars opposite Saturn transit brings frustration, disappointment, and anger. Tonights Sky | It could also be that you are not satisfied, and you go over everything to find out where or when you failed. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. One purpose of this period is to slow movement down sufficiently so that you can see clearly what you truly want and what you don?t want. This can lead to considerable frustration where the smallest things can send you over the edge. Medical Astrology -- Hidden Triggers -- The Transiting Midpoints Saturn has a way of slowing down our life, as if it is forcing us to take a really good look at it. I just definitely see it as psychological tension released. This would help you to go back on your track to be creative and passionate. If you look at it in a sexual way, it can bring you immense stamina and active life in the future. It can ignite your darkest desires or give you the stamina and patience to complete the hardest of tasks. Watch for limiting yourself through abrupt behaviors during this period. If you fight against these circumstances aggressively, you can cause the problem to crystallize even more and make it increasingly difficult. You will be learning about your own inner strength during the course of this transit. Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Conjunct Mars from our astrology reports and readings: I have bought so many reports and I have to say this - you guys are the best resource for astrology. You may also read. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Saturn Conjunct Mars Natal You set out to make things last, including your body. You can now plan your actions and projects to guarantee greater independence and personal security. Your email address will not be published. Saturn transits tend to have a longer tail of separation than most other transits. Family matters assume more importance in our lives now, and we meet our responsibilities with maturity and competence. During this transit, you need to make a great effort, and also be able to recognize the validity of what you have been doing. You will see that those who have a healthy expression of the darker side are able to support needs. Mars Conjunct Saturn In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry