290 pounds on the Nautilus leg extension machine, I believe Ive done that much., Having cleared his throat, Mullen continued . Arthur Jones frequently said that when he trained Viator, Casey got bigger and leaner, by the day. Posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 by John Wood. . Without getting into the finer points of the SuperSlow philosophy, I want to say simply: Ken Hutchins carefully studied repetition form, which was and is a subset of HIT, and turned it into a full-fledged business. Ray and Mike Mentzer used to write to me when they were young children back in Pennsylvania, according to what Bill had to say about them. In his prime, Ray was one of the strongest bodybuilders, if not the strongest, with 900 pounds squatted for 2 reps. Ray is among the strongest bodybuilders I have ever seen, according to Bill Pettis. In this interview the author of the best-selling Nautilus book series retraces his early training days with Arthur Jones and Casey Viator and talks about some of the golden-age bodybuilders who inspired him. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine, Diet Plan & Supplements - SPCFiTZ Ellington Darden: Actually, I guess what Im saying is that if you want to get the best-possible results from HIT, you must have Arthur Jones as your personal trainer. Concerning the educational system in Conroe, small-town football was big in Texas. I choose to remember the drug-free bodybuilders who influenced me when I was growing up. In 1970, when Hutchins graduated, the high school was five times larger and Ken was the strongest male in school. It wasnt unusual for Jones to discuss various deals with well-known athletes, or their agents. 1978 IFBB Mr. USA Leg curl - 1 x 16 reps Also, Ive worked out with Ken Leistner, Pete Grymkowski, Robby Robinson, Jim Haislop, Richard Baldwin, Chris Dickerson, and Lee Haney. Then release it for another positive. Ray lost his fight against Bergers Disease and was found dead in his apartment less than 48 hours later. Learn how to use high intensity training to build muscle! No other training book has this type of history or background material, which I believe is worthwhile and meaningful in understanding the why of HIT. Remember to use strict form when doing all of your exercises. Squat Remember, this was on an advanced bodybuilder, the hardest specimen to realize real muscle growth because of being so close to his genetic potential. Drew Baye: In chapter 9 of your new HIT book, you talk about meeting and working with Mike Mentzer. Perform the exercises in this routine back-to-back, except where a rest is indicated. Ive seen visitors at close range, suddenly back off, as if they thought his gradually contracting biceps was going to explode. "The routine I followed was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts - The first workout would be legs, chest and triceps; the . Mikes significant cardiac problems were discovered during a checkup, ruling out the possibility of a kidney transplant. There is a lot of research on microtrauma and hypertrophy. Drew Baye is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Are you struggling to build muscle or maintain your weight? I'd better leave this nut to the pipestem, get-in-shape, "muscle tone" crowd Well, before you click to another article, let me say that this routine isn't hypothetical. Exercises that required a great deal of intensity in a short amount of time were the focus of heavy-duty training. Ray Mentzer who was the brother of Mike Mentzer was born in Pennsylvania on August 2, 1953. I figure that one set of this will hit all fibre-types; I often have vicious recovery-pains following this protocol. Published in the October 1971 Ironman, Viator's routine hit the bodybuilding world like a tsunami: three whole-body workouts per week, 20 all-out reps per set, sometimes only one set of an exercise and always very few working sets per bodypart. - 1 x 8 reps Mike Mentzer | Profile | Bio | Stats - Generation Iron And there was Marvin Eder, who never achieved Mr. America, but it was clear from the film that he should have won in the early 1950s. Here is a sample Ray Mentzer style high intensity training workout routine: Monday 1-2 Sets for as Long as Possible. High-intensity training - Wikipedia Ellington Darden: Ive trained Boyer Coe, Joe Means, Scott Wilson, and Ray Mentzer to name four. Heavy Duty: Mike Mentzer's Most Productive Routine - Iron Man Magazine Ray frequently rested completely for 34 days after his rigorous training sessions. 2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Bent-Over Barbell Row (Mentzer Style) or Wide Grip Cable Row. As a result, Hutchins and I improvised a plan. nurse at Ephrata Community Hospital years ago. Leg Curls . Crenshaw had 18-inch upper arms and 15-inch forearms, which were mighty impressive; but even more impressive was his neck, which must have measured at least 20 inches. a side for 11 reps his 1st day back. Drew Baye: In Joness 1973 Colorado Experiment, how much muscle did Casey Viator gain during the first two weeks? And his size increase is all the more impressive for having been accomplished while getting leaner. A couple of years earlier, at one of the industrys annual fitness conventions, Hutchins had been involved in a panel discussion that included Cooper. PDF The HIT Experiment, Part I Drew Baye: If you place those potential HIT users on the far left side a normal, bell-shaped curve, what would you label those on the far right side high-volume trainees? Ken was sitting next to me and we began sorting through our strength-training slides, since we had both given talks using a 35mm-slide projector earlier in the day. Family, Partner, Biography, How To Make Pico De Gallo? Im not sure why he permitted it because he certainly understood what proper form was. Kens dad was a physician in town and Philip visited him often to gain practical knowledge. Drugs, hormone injections, implants, and who knows what else, have destroyed professional bodybuilding today. We had been steam-rolled, and worse captivated somehow by what we heard. Mentzer preached high-intensity exercise once a week or once every five to seven days and stressed that 20-30 minutes were ideal for achieving maximum muscle stimulation. About 75 of my old friends were there and we had a great time reliving the good old days. One of the highlights was a film that Terry Todd, of the University of Texas, had assembled that showed black-and-white movie clips from the AAU Mr. America contests, 1940 through 1954. We figured Cooper did not know how to define exercise clearly, at least not in the vernacular that Hutchins had conceived. With the plan in mind, Hutchins hurried over but just as he approached, an older woman took the seat beside Cooper. I can also tell you that Ray Mentzer, at a body weight of 260 pounds, was the strongest man I ever trained, with a work ethic and pain tolerance to match. It was Dr. Kenneth Cooper. I thought Mike would have thrived being around Nautilus and Arthur Jones. Today, I live approximately 25 miles from Ken. Ray Mentzer Bodybuilder Part of the reason for his success was he prescribed to his brother's concept of heavy duty training which involved very high intensity 45 minute workout sessions. There was none of this flexed posturing that you normally see among men with big arms. In 1971, when he was 20, he participated in Mr. Lancaster contest and won. MIKE MENTZER - HEAVY DUTY HIT Training For Size & Strength Drew Baye: Besides Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, and Mike Mentzer, who are some of the other big-name bodybuilders that you worked with? Ray found out he had kidney issues in 1999. And, hes into the martial arts, so he does some of that several times a week. I was a bit worried. Stay focused and keep the tension and the movement smooth and slow. Tricep Extensions- 1 x 10 reps, Wednesday He took the Nautilus training principles and helped explain them in a way that people could easily understand and apply, and without insulting people in the process like Arthur did. Drew Baye: Whats your opinion of Hutchinss SuperSlow? Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. The entire movement needs to be fluid and controlled. Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. When a bodybuilder nears the advanced level, he's beginning to get pretty strong. Ellington Darden: Joness specialty was intensity. Ray learned that Mike had severe cardiac problems while he was waiting for the kidney transplant, and Mike passed away on June 10th, 2001 as a result. The advanced and super advanced techniques were fully researched and tested by Mike in the late 70's, but following the infamous 1980 Mr.Olympia . While Mike Mentzer was serving in the US Air Force, he would work 12-hour shifts, and then follow that up with 'marathon workouts', as was the accepted standard in those days. Mentzer's heavy-duty training system. Ray Mentzer's experience is it. His overall routines include about 50-percent Bowflex exercises and 50- percent free-weight exercises. Jones trained Casey 41 times, which was equal to approximately 4 months at the rate of 2.5 workouts a week. We both should have discussed it more. Mike Mentzer's Workout Routine, HIIT Training & Diet The awesome Mentzer brothers, fuelled by their intense rivalry, show what they can do when they pump iron at the gym. Viators arms reminded me of Popeye, because his hanging forearms appeared disproportionately large and impressive. A Look at High Intensity Bodybuilding: Mike & Ray Mentzer (Download Once he had reached that stage, Ray would ask his workout partner to assist him in performing another 2 to 3 forced reps while maintaining slow, precise form and controlling the weight. But perhaps more importantly, research shows that with that sliding 8 percent, if there was a unified HIT push, it could rather quickly increase back 16 percent, or 3,200,000 trainees. How much of an effect an unexercised muscle receives from an exercised muscle depends mainly on two things - the size of the worked muscle and its proximity to the unworked muscle. HGH . Advertised in Muscle & Fitness and Ironman magazines (November and December 2004 issues). Here we have a sound explanation for recommending multiple joint exercises for bodybuilders seeking muscle size increases. . Drew Baye: Who were some of the bodybuilders that you admired when you began training? Ken always came back for more, and perhaps most importantly, asked intelligent questions. Machine Pullover or Dumbbell and Cable Pullovers Together. 06-08-2013, 11:15 AM Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. Family, Partner, Biography, Easy easy to make Popcorn Shrimp (Perfectly Tender and Crispy), Who is Tiya Sircar? And yet, Ellington Darden, Ken Leistner and Peary Rader have watched hundreds of men and women gain real muscle that was impossible for them to build before training harder and briefer. Drew Baye: Did you ever train Arnold Schwarzenegger when he visited Nautilus? Ive experimented with all styles of leg presses and this one is the hardest of all. Bench Press It would be impossible to sell a book to each of those existing, 1.6 million trainees. We never heard from him. Mentzer died on June 10, 2001 in Rolling Hills, California. Mike suffered a heart attack while he was sleeping. Ray was able to develop his body significantly during this time. Rest 2 to 3 minutes MIKE MENTZER: "MY HEAVY DUTY WORKOUT ROUTINE" - YouTube It's easy to drift away from high intensity principles. (Creamy, Classic Taste), How to make Brown Sugar Grilled Peaches? This can be carried to a logical extreme. Gold School: Triceps So Big - T NATION Ellington Darden: Actually, I understated the time period. Ray made at least one appearance at the Ephrata Rec Center, signing autographs for fans. Has a great fear of ocean swimming because he doesn't "want to become filet mignon for some shark!". I first noticed McCutcheon six years ago, when close-ups of his arms and torso were featured on the award-winning Bowflex commercial. When Hutchins was a senior in high school, Conroe had one of the best football teams in Texas. There we were with thousands of frustrated people and a couple of hours to burn. i. Super Set of {Leg Extensions and Leg Presses} {1 Super Set} x 6-8 Reps. ii. As you stated, however, theres a place for timed static contractions in exercising people who have certain limitations. . . This article is from 2003 to read a more updated article on how Mike Mentzer had a "Heavy Duty" mindest and workout regime Click Here. I once read about Ray Mentzer training legs once a month! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. All of these champions were drug-free and I must emphasize that there were some very well built men in the 40s and 50s. Reverse curlStage reps My first response is to say that intensity is more important when youre younger (from 15 to 40 years of age), and form is more important when your older (over 40). In peak condition, Caseys right arm was 19-5/16 inches, Olivas was 20-1/8 inches, and Coes was 18-7/16 inches. Platz sets seemed to last forever and be more painful whereas Mike and Rays sets were shorter with lower reps. Ray really liked stutter reps where as Mike liked rest pause reps. Much of it depended on where they were training, who they were training with and what equipment was available to them. As much as any of those Mr. America winners, I appreciate and admire Wilbur Miller. He stood only 5'8 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his . Olivas arms, from any angle or position, both relaxed and contracted, were absolutely HUGE. This would require a weight that would take you to failure in between 6 and 9 reps. Then, once you hit failure, keep going. RAY MENTZER: TRAINING TIPS FOR MORE PRODUCTIVE WORKOUTS John Little 19.2K subscribers Subscribe 3.7K views 3 weeks ago THE 4-PHASE CONTRACTION SYSTEM (PART 2): TRAINING TIPS FOR MORE. All rights Reserved. Or a training partner with a watch can talk your through each phase. Don't let'em food you. A careful look will reveal that your arms are actually worked hard on all three days, even though it's not always direct isolation. Ellington Darden: Ray did have a sense of humor and he often had a joke up his sleeve. This would not be a problem with quasi-isometric protocols like Static Holds and Max Contraction which follow isometric failure with a full or partial negative. You can make it work for you. This new one will be directed to men over 60 years of age. Studies since then have confirmed much of what Jones believed concerning negative work. He achieved the same in the AAU Mr. America competition one year later. Ellington Darden: It was less than that. Rays brother Mike was the first and most obvious candidate for a kidney transplant. Ray and Mike both visited their mother while she was in the hospital. You take your normal weight or resistance and instead of going to failure or beyond, you simply quit two reps short of your previous best effort. The very first things a musclehead will notice is that upper arms are exercised only once during the three workouts. I guarantee . A few years later, a significantly more muscular Mentzer emerged in the IFBB and began an incredible career, climbing the ladder of national and international physique titles, growing gigantic in the process. We can thank Arthur Jones for that. Is that correct? For this discussion, though, I'm considering conventional equipment which restricts most large-muscle moves to multijoint exercises. We researched the HIT interest and heres what we concluded about our audience: In the early 1980s, when HIT was at its height of popularity, about 16 percent of bodybuilders in the United States were involved with it. Of course, in the long run, youre going to need large amounts of both. How To Train Like Mike Mentzer - Universal Supplements When I went to Baylor University in 1962, there was a guy on the football team named Bobby Crenshaw. Gday Drew Finally, the storm cleared, and the three of us boarded the same plane to Daytona Beach. Ray noticed physical changes in him that soon produced results. Super-Slow - Take a full 10 seconds to perform the positive part of the reps and four seconds for the negative. Gwyneth Paltrow: what is the secret of her great look and feeling at 50? The Tight Tan Slacks of Dezso Ban: Bill Pearl Interview - Dennis Weis Ellington Darden: Yes thats precisely what we were thinking. Mentzer won the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia titles with perfect 300 scores in 1978 and 1979, respectively. As well I found him very bias towards AJ, as in he was never wrong. After a while, Ken asked me what I thought about his new section, which he called Exercise Versus Recreation.. In fact, NTF workouts may speed recovery by supplying some of the chemistry to guard against atrophy and to facilitate active rest. "A LOOK AT HIGH INTENSITY BODYBUILDING" is a professionally made film featuring the legendary MIKE MENTZER, one of bodybuilding's most massive physique champions and world renowned expert and teacher of HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING. He handled almost the entire weight stack on every Nautilus machine and his workout was almost equal to what Casey Viator could have done in his prime. One drawback is, the ROM gets awkward beyond 90 degrees in the latter exercise. I followed Mentzer's prescribed routine in his Heavy Duty 2 Mind and Body book. In a local physique contest, however, Hutchins would have been pressed to finish in the top 10 (just kidding, Ken). I dont believe Arthur really hired Ell for research and development, I believe he hired him because he knew he needed someone who was intelligent and charismatic and could write and speak well to be a spokesperson for Nautilus.