With that, Rarity had lost anything and everything she was going to say. We do not need this to continue! Chrysalis's threat was met with laughter from the Guards, angering her greatly. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. "You need not explain to me why you and them are here. Her next action defaulted, Luna glared at her sister sternly. The only thing she cared about was how Twilight had provided her the perfect setup to launch a perfect, foolproof and failsafe assault on Canterlot. "It's Spike. The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. "Princess! I need you, however, to talk to Twilight. "Guards, let's go. Things were building to a climax as Celestia's eyes and teeth clenched tighter and tighter with every passing second. "Of course your highness. ", "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. We will take our revenge on Celestia and the ponies of Canterlot, and there's nothing that they can do to stop us! ", "Thank you Cadance. "Your Majesty, may I present Snake Bite. Then, when she tried confronting the fiend openly, like indignant fools we chose to abandon her. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. It was my pride!that made me betray you Sugarcube. Asked Velvet curiously. Once that is done, my unicorns will then teleport into the castle en masse, where they will begin to harvest the Princesses' love simultaneously, so as to increase their powers and give them extra strength in close combat. "We heard the scream" One of the guards panted gruffly. As soon as they got into formation, they broke into a canter, making haste for Luna's private quarters. He didn't stay with Twilight not because he willingly chose to leave Twilight to wallow in her misery. Any Changelings they find, living, wounded or dead are to be brought back to the castle immediately for treatment as seen fit by me. Coupled with it was the occasional flash of lightning and clap of thunder, giving the charcoal-black landscape an ominous appearance. Shining sighed deeply. "Thank you for your gratitude Sir Light." "Well, OK, I'll take your word for it. ", "So you thought it was right to break the heart of "your most faithful student", betraying her trust in the process? Yelled out the conductor as the train whistled. 1-2. friendship is magic 3. the ticket master 4. applebuck season 5 . Still, somepony had to say it, and it fell to Rainbow to take up that mantle. How she, out of her friends, her brother and her mentor was the only one to notice the glints of Chrysalis's evil under the shroud of her poorly rehearsed masquerade, how helpless and shocked she felt when Chrysalis brainwashed Shining, how little her friends took her seriously when she tried to tell them her concerns about the impostor, how hurt and betrayed she felt when they walked out on her, following her brother to comfort a pony who was completely undeserving of any sympathy, regardless of the crocodile tears she shed, how lost everything seemed when Celestia was defeated and she and her friends were captured before they could reach the Elements of Harmony, and how justified she felt after Chrysalis was beaten. Eventually, after a spree of incapacitating and harvesting the love of her opponents, Chrysalis was left with Aegis, who was a bedraggled mess. To complicate matters, nopony knew the truth at the time, so by a technicality Twilight was as much at fault as the girls were. "I'm shaking like a leaf. Celestia assured her she would be fine under her tutoring and she held that for years but the moment she and the others betrayed Twilight, she broke that promise. I need you to answer some questions pertaining to the wedding. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction The sun princess spoke glumly. As for what you're going to tell her, I'm sure once the time comes, you will know what to say, and more importantly, how to say it. With that, Luna spread her wings, before flying off into the distance. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. Thus she knew what she needed to do. Cookies a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. The Mane 5 did indeed regret everything; now was their opportunity to prove it. The escort stopped just a few metres away from the Sun Princess, allowing Shining to step forward to address her. She's first skeptically about meeting new people, but when she discovered the magic of friendship, her life becomes a little happier. Those who gave themselves up were spared harvesting, but were taken prisoner. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. ", "However, for as long as you remain bitter toward those responsible for her emotional trauma, then you will remain susceptible to corruption. If they are sufficient enough to keep us from entering the castle, then the operation may last longer than estimated. "Princess Luna? This left the group with little else to do other than ironing out any flaws in their apology speech. He didn't like leaving Twilight so broken, but he didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either. I failed the Element of Kindness because I failed to show you any compassion. "Shining, take four of your men and bring Luna to me. "Now I must return to the palace. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding. Pinkie piped up. Replied Velvet, making room for Luna to enter. He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others? It seemed for a moment she had the upper hand, until Chrysalis turned the tables and defeated her, an event which shocked us all.". "You are in charge of the armory. I have to be elsewhere, so I must make my stay here as brief as possible. This was starting to sound strange. "Good evening Lady Velvet. Eventually, she reached the door to her room and opened it. Emotions which, once they took hold, would give way to malice, evil and nightmares, an experience which consumed the Lunar Princess herself. Panting heavily, she turned to face Shining, tears streaming down her face. Now ah' know it may seem pointless to be getting upset about trashed muffins, but the point ah'm making here is that the real Cadance would have loved what we did for the wedding. The hour is nigh. Meanwhile, very much unbeknownst to Celestia, Luna had taken the decision to head off to the Sparkle family home. But the past is the past. The lavender unicorn looked at him, having snapped out of her trance. "The next part is much worse, and it is dreadful to even contemplate. Almost instantly, Blade returned to the throne room, always ready and eager to serve his queen. His attention soon returned to the royal sisters, who were just finishing up Luna's interrogation. Once they had walked clear of the structure, Twilight's shield spell covered it once more. Barked Chrysalis. Before Shining could make himself idle, a unicorn Royal Guard sentry ran up to him, carrying a letter with his magic. "Changelings! At first, the baby dragon did nothing, but then, in the corner of her eye Applejack spotted Spike's hands curl into fists, fueled by his disgust, anger and frustration. That was when the two elder Apples understood Applejack's point. Shining proceeded to salute before answering. However, I cannot cast it without your permission, which is why I am here. Celestia cried. Cadance interjected. State your business!" I can't help it. The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. Don't come back until you're ready to be Twilight's friends again.". Bowing to his queen, Blade departed the hall, leaving Snake Bite alone with Chrysalis. ", "Lady Velvet, Sir Light, the reason I am here is because of your aura.". What gives you the divine right to lecture us when you are guilty of the same sins?!" One did not, and that was Rarity. "I am sorry, dear sister. Still, we are confident there will be no problems with the execution of the mission.". ", "Yes. said the recomposed Night Light. Eventually, Applejack spoke up, having finally found something to say. To top it all off, there was an overbearing and very heavy feeling of speechlessness and regret hanging over the room. Anyway, the three ponies seated themselves in the living room, both Night and Velvet bracing themselves for whatever Luna had to say. Everything that happened.it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". As quietly as she could, she made her way back to her bedroom. "As you know, General, the Hive is situated inside the Equestrian Badlands, a place which is infamous among ponykind for being home to the bad apples of the Equestrian bunch. Things did not go as hoped for Applejack and the rest of the Mane 5. How are we going to deal with them? "Captain, I hereby bestow upon you the order of leading my forces in the assault on Canterlot, and any other town or villages I decide to conquer. We'll be waiting.". Tone replied, convinced. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. You know why we are here. Good day to you all!". Said Alkaios. With a reciprocating nod and salute (respectively), the two ponies proceeded through the halls of the castle up to Celestia's private bedchambers, two rows of guards watching over the hall leading to both Celestia and Luna's rooms. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. That much was clear to the lot of them. May I come in?" No one said a word until Velvet finally cut in, it was all too much for her to take. Captain, may I talk to you in private?". Twilight will forgive you girls. Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? With a sniffle from her snout, she fixed her Stetson and turned to face Cadance, a look of firm and hardy readiness on her face. Before long, Applejack had managed to pull herself together. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. "Come in!" ", "Your Majesty, the word "failure" does not exist in my vocabulary. That was all it took for Celestia to collapse into Shining, sobbing in despair. The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. "Lady Velvet, Sir Light, the reason I am here is of great importance. Twilight quizzed. Dark and evil thoughts began to seep into Chrysalis's mind, but her thinking was quickly ceased by the yelling of a nearby farmer who fled to the village to warn the garrison. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". Luna could only watch as her sister lowered her head in shame. Only Rarity, who looked the better pick of the bunch, greeted the pink alicorn. How dare you lecture us on how to be Twilight's friends!". Shining was talking with one of his officers, Lieutenant Blue Hue, when a runner came up to him and handed him a letter. What he got instead was nowhere near what he was expecting: a hug. I believe that Twilight's parents should be informed of these events as soon as you are finished.". "Did you defend Twilight then?" The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. "Indeed we are Princess." Replied Luna respectfully. Do y'all remember the day I left with Twilight to go to Canterlot for the wedding? You just need to know how to get the message across. Rarity added. Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. "Applejack, ah' have lived a long, long life. ", "I like your thinking Snake." "Instead, I let the glamour of being a bridesmaid and the excitement of doing a Sonic Rainboom go to my head. Black Blade's loyalty to her has never failed to impress. ", "No problem Cadance." Just then, Cadance walked into the bakery. Instead, she opted for a conciliatory defeat. As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door. We already apologized for our mistakes! Speaking of the latter, Celestia was wondering, on a side note, where she was during the Changeling invasion. "Is that so?" Luna responded. However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off. Smiling evilly as she watched the villagers flee for their lives, Chrysalis gave her troops the command they had fought for. "I guess I didn't sleep well last night. "It'sIll fill you in on everything inside", said Shining as they went into the living room. I have also informed my parents of Twiley's situation.". 1,069 users online Applejack replied. His parents literally didnt take the news well and with the warning still buzzing in his head like a flock of angry parasprites, Shining began walking back to the palace, knowing he'd have to report to Princess Celestia Night and Velvets warning. The lieutenants of his army were made up of one of the three pony species, one for the Earth ponies, the pegasi and the unicorns. How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? distant, and to make matters worse, she cannot rest for fear of a dream that she cannot remember. What if that really was Cadance? Stay tuned! Twilight faced him, neither smiling nor frowning. They heard me cryin' last night and wanted to know what was wrong. Replied the lieutenant happily. I did not do it on purpose. Within hours, the village was ablaze, and Chrysalis and her Changelings, with their prisoners in tow, proceeded to return to their hive in the mountain range known as the Black Widow's Peak. "Girls, tell me Twilight wasn't right. Pinkie piped happily. Please follow us to the living room." The aura she was sensing was undeniably strong, and bitter in feeling. The shamed former groom felt antsy about the whole ordeal; now he was beginning to wish he hadnt taken on the extra order from Celestia. 60,737 hits today, 1,481,371 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Additionally, because you said she had a lot to think about, after taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she has resigned from her post as the bearer of the Element of Magic. This was General Skoula, and his physical form was as intimidating and dominating as his reputation among even his own men. After throwing the doors open and shut with her magic, the lavender unicorn threw herself on her bed, crying every fibre of her pain out of her. It doesnt matter anymore. "Lieutenant Fang, let it be known that this operation will be enacted on a size and scale greater than that of the first. "Applejack, there's something Big Macintosh and I want to ask you.". The fate of all ponykind depended on these talks, and Cadance could only wonder how this fact couldn't be more obvious to anypony in general apart from herself and the girls. He could tell she was hurting badly from being abandoned, but there was something else. The skin of a killer, Bella!": sparkly vampire skin hits the runway at @DIESEL Autumn/Winter . "I slept just fine. "Very well" Replied Cadance. "My Changelings, the time is ripe. A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. It is the first half of a two-part season finale. Answered Pinkie, her voice, for once, devoid of any jubilance. For now, shes a 5 speed v6, but eventually will be LS swapped with a single turbo. "Aunt Celestia, Twilight wishes me to inform you that she is no longer your student. Gasped Celestia speechlessly. There was no trusting the girls, considering the magnitude of what they had done to Twilight at the rehearsal, but it remained to be seen if there was any credibility in their desire to apologize, and even if their apology was solid enough to prove their remorse. "I don't know what happened after that because we were ordered out of the hall by the Royal Guard, but I have every faith that Twilight played a part in the victory over the changelings. With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. "I'm sorry Cadance, but it just isn't that simple. Pinkie and Fluttershy were also crying in their sleep, Rainbow was tossing and turning, her attempts to wear out her body coming to nothing. Before Pinkie could finish speaking, the girls heard a loud thump outside, followed by the sound of something being dragged through mud. Before his eyes, it opened to reveal Twilight, who was packing her saddlebags. ", "Of course, the damage that was caused to our friendship is only half the battle." Her mane was half-inflated, a sign of her misery, and her eyes had bags, an obvious indicator she did not sleep well. Surely they won't allow themselves to be defeated as easily as last time! ", "Shh, it's OK big sister." She zoomed in on the Spartan's head, intent on sniping him clean through the skull. A battle was on the rise, but before the already present hostilities could escalate, the two sides stopped just metres from each other. The latter looked up at her, waterfalls flowing down from her eyes. A Canterlot Wedding-The Alternate Ending - FiMFetch.net After Twilight is abandoned by everypony she trusts, Maleficent makes the poor, depressed mare complete her curse. The doors remained open, allowing Luna a clear glance at her sister, who was watching her as the two sisters drew closer. Under our leadership, there was peace throughout the land, nary a trace of conflict or discord to be found outside. Disguise yourselves and your men, and we will go hide somewhere nopony will find us. ", "Is that so?" An evil and satisfied smile crept across the Changeling Queen's mouth. "Has she lost her mind or something?!" As quickly as she could, the orange cowpony mounted her Stetson atop her head before flying downstairs. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. "Indeed she did, your Majesty." Before him, the girl's faces were clear expressions of shock and dismay, so too was Cadance's. "That's the Changeling Queen's name, and it sounds every bit as evil as she is." This day might never happen now at all Second, I kinda understand why everyone and Shining got mad at Twilight; they didn't know Cadence was Chrysalis, so they probably thought she was just insulting Cadence for no reason. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Do you realize, Princess, that had Twilight not found the real Cadance, who was also imprisoned down there, they could have both died? Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and her spirits were lifted by the Cakes and their children greeting her happily. "Prepare yourselves.". There were no villagers though. He even refused to recall what he did to her, considering the price his actions carried placed a heavy weight of shame on himself. Aunt Celestia asked me to tell you that if you wish to seek a private audience with her, you are more than welcome to do so. Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. She glanced at the three commanders, before looking at General Skoula, whom she greeted with a nod. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. She made a run for the front door, until a voice stopped her. But we did, so in all honesty, we can chalk that up to being a big fat lie. Turning to the girls, she decided to test them, in order to prepare them for what they were about to face. It was because of him that the most recent events of the day transpired, and it wasn't just any old day. After a brief moment's waiting, the shield disappeared, and the front door to the library opened, revealing Twilight. Said Applejack. He glanced up ever so slightly to look at her, but quickly looked back down too ashamed to look her in the eye. Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. This site and its contents are not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. "But nonetheless. Please, you must believe me. Cadance sighed deeply. "They will heal. "How could I have been so blind Shining?" ", "But that's the problem Princess." What kind of ponies are you? "No Granny Smith. Universe. How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended Prepare the prisoners for their rehabilitation.". While I will not apologize for that remark, nor will I take it back, I will listen. Fer that, I will never forgive myself. Like Twilight, Spike and Cadance before me, I find it hard to comprehend how you, along with Shining and the Element Bearers can dismiss the impostor's attitude as mere stress. Twilight Sparkle is a 16-year-old girl who has just moved to Canterlot City with her family. Perhaps she had been a bit too scathing in her criticism of her sister. All passengers, the next stop is Ponyville!". She made a difference in Twilight when she forgot about friendship after becoming Princess Celestias star protge and you took her love for you for granted. Replied Twilight, who lay down on her hindlegs as she crossed her forelegs under her head. Don't they realize what they've done? Something snapped in Velvet's mind, and at once the unicorn bowed before the slightly bemused Luna. Cadance was about to speak, but her train of thought instantly derailed. ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. Unfortunately, like the Mane 5, Shining and Celestia, he fell for the same delusions that Twilight was still in the wedding hall, wallowing in her misery. Together they moved out of the brush, making their way southeast toward the Everfree. Alt. Applejack had heard enough at this point. ", "No ma'am. Barbarousis answered assuredly. I just didn't think that what I did would hurt her so badly. "If it helps, none of us wanted Twilight to die. Once the Princess is captured, you are to flee the village and return to the Hive. Surely you haven't forgotten, right? She seemed lost in thought, but to be sure she was OK, Spike decided to get her attention. The elderly Apple took a deep breath before she spoke. A Canterlot Wedding - The Accusation Fic Collection - Fimfiction "I.Oh Luna.I don't know why we left her. The ponies need a leader to unite them in this dark time, and I am more than willing to do just that. In his hands he held his top hat. "We won't leave you ever again.". It was clear what she had planned now that she'd taken her revenge on Twilight; for straight ahead, perched on the side of the mountains and lit by the evening sun, was the capitol city: Canterlot. Mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight Surely one like yourself would have learned from their past mistakes. She was failing to find words to counter Spike's arguments. But in that fateful moment, everything changed. Can you take care of things here?". However, that mattered little now, as she too was about to receive the brunt of Spike's fury. "Lieutenant, I must inform the Princess of the attack on the settlement. This had left them both hurt and furious, emotions which Luna knew full well would suppurate and fester within their souls. The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. With that, Luna walked out the household door, before spreading her wings and taking off into the darkness, the moon (which she had lifted prior to flying to the Sparkle family home) lighting the way ahead. Chuckled Chrysalis, entertained by Spark's determination. They were not impressed at all. The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. They did not know that Twilight, too, had something to apologize for. Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". It was just them against the world. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. "How are we going to get the message across with Twilight still mad at us? We all chose that stupid bug over our best friend, that's how we repaid Twilight for all the fun times we've had together. Replied Applejack spiritedly. My proposal is to send emissaries to towns and villages in which they live, so that we might entice them to join our cause. Applejack couldn't help but notice the way they were looking at her. Understood?". She tried alerting her friends to the impostor's cold and condescending behaviour, compared to Cadance's warmth and benevolence. "The Princess just had a bad dream.". With that, the girls bade each other farewell, before returning to their homes. It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. With little hesitation, Shining followed Celestia through the doors, the guards saluting as she went. Replied Twilight, who headed back inside. She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. "Yes sir!" Shining replied grimly. "Yes Luna. Replied Rarity. I need to check with Twilight. By the Creator, was Shining right when he guessed this wasn't over. This was a very damning experience for them, but it was one they deserved for treating their best friend the way they did. The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. The first group is to form patrols with the orders to comb the city for any Changelings that may be still in the city. Somepony would probably catch us. Celestia wanted to personally tell Night Light and Twilight Velvet that she, Shining and her students friends are all sorry for what they did to Twilight and assure them of their rekindled friendships as soon as possible, but the chances of their blessings and for the chat were slim. She was deep in thought, as well as misery. It ain't right of a princess to do something as foalish as a hoofshake." Celestia moped, acknowledging her captain's first name for the first time in a long time. cried Velvet. While his stance remained unchanged, he was willing to lend an ear to Cadance's plea. It left a horrible panging feeling in her heart as once more, the magnitude of her and the girl's collective actions hit home. You may proceed with the mission.". According to intelligence that was given to me just this very moment, I believe the Changelings are planning a revenge assault on the city. Twilight also wished me to inform you that she and Spike will be returning home as soon as they are done packing. Initially, Rarity was met with no answer. I'm sorry if this interrogation caused you any inconvenience. As it stands, we have done enough already. "Surrender? I don't know a whole lot about what happened, nor do I remember, but Twi went completely insane trying to find a problem to solve so she could write to Princess Celestia about her friendship lesson. Perhaps the word "Twily" sparked connotations between Twilight and the memory of her brother banishing her. "I turned to the dark side for want of recognition of the beauty of the night by my subjects. "Yes. With no words, he awaited his orders. "Listen up Changelings!" From her bedroom, the unicorn could be heard sobbing. Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. That was an impostor with evil intentions, yet you let her facade fool you, and I know you sister. Cadance arrived at Golden Oaks Library, the dark purple shield still encasing it. Would you care to stay with me for the time being?". a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . Once more, the girls fell silent, unable to find an explanation for their actions. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. Pinkie chimed, albeit half-heartedly. The girls fell into an uneasy silence. Applejack's voice began to waver as her normally iron will sagged, melting back into a puddle of regret. Twilight then tried to confront the impostor openly, but the impostor pretended to cry so as to maintain her cover. Replied Snake. Asked Rarity worriedly. Meanwhile, a second echelon, made up of thugs and lowlives from neighbouring towns and villages in the Badlands will advance northeast towards Canterlot, where upon arrival they will smash their way through the city and, through sheer brutality, cripple the Royal Guard's defensive perimeter.". She was the Changeling Queen in disguise, and she was secretly preparing an invasion of Canterlot by her army. How are we gonna be friends with her again if we can't forgive ourselves?!". However, he was met with no answer as it turned out Celestia had fallen asleep. It's been tough on all of us. First it was Twilight giving them a tongue-lashing, but now it was Spike. How could you walk out on your best friend like that?!