The Message Bible Good vs. Return to homepage. Blog, Bible Message / January 12, 2023 by Karen Correia / Leave a Comment. Your email address will not be published. Peterson's assertion that the New Testament was written in the "street language" of the day is misleading. It's dangerous to build an opinion of the Bible through the lens of someone else's beliefs. The Bible admonishes us to, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. This is the main message of the entire Bible, Old and New Testament, that those who have repented and trusted in Christ "have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord. I have read and listened the audio of many different translation of the bible. 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. God spoke: "Light!" This eventually led to the Reformation led by Martin Luther. Your worldview is different. I admire your article and agree with the recommendation not to depend heavily on it alone. Blessings my brothers n sisters stay in prayer n God Bless you all. I think my actions sent out a shockwave in the spiritual realm. Youre in charge! Yes. I got some belated support and encouragement. I would question whether Peterson feels the same way. Former Pastor: If there is a God, does he even make a difference? This is wrong; it is not a translation it is a paraphrase, which makes it a commentary at best. I began to show up where The Message had taken from, added to, and twisted scriptures in the particular passage that had been recited during the church service also explaining why those changes fitted a New Age and politically correct agenda. 7. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. English Standard Version (ESV): Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 2. Today we have a different minister and new faces among the leadership. So every version that we read from is a translated interpretation. I wish you all the best! However, as a very free paraphrase, it is sometimes powerful and brilliant while at other times it is seriously off target. Clean Up Your Email. Perhaps you can give me a link to read it? Translation is from one language to another. I am not alone. Who Was Isaiah, and What Does His Message Mean for Us? Garbage - Life's Little Slices. The following translations listed below should be avoided altogether, as utilizing them can lead to grave theological errors, the teaching of a radically different gospel, and a counterfeit Jesus. There are many issues I have with the Message translation, but for the sake of space I am only listing three of them. The Messages technique in translating the original text is so casual in its approach that NavPress, publisher of The Message, says, It's not meant to replace your current version of choice. How hard are you working at understanding the scriptures? For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. The Message completely changes the meaning of the scriptures, for instance there is no mention of the holiness of the name of God. Okay to get to the point, desire for the truth even if it means finding out everything you ever thought to be true was not, and you will, then asking Yahweh (God) to unblind you and guide you to the truth as you search for it and for protection from satanic deception so you wont be deceived. If the Bible is the truth, then ignoring it is ignoring the truth. However, despite this attractive feature, it is not a translation that should be used for the seriousness of Bible study, as the simplistic use of English in the Good News Translation has come at a price. Good for you, Simon son of John! answered Jesus. 10 Scriptural reasons Jesus Calling is a dangerous book You have bedded me down in lush meadows, The Global Message of Isaiah | - ESV Bible Biblical scholars can do real spiritual harm by casually dismissing the texts that students hold dear. [2] It is a highly idiomatic translation, using contemporary slang from the US rather than a more neutral International English, and it falls on the extreme dynamic end of the dynamic and formal equivalence spectrum. Jesus and the Woman at the Well I reminded the church that Jesus said if we love him, we will obey his commands (John 14:23). What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol or wine? Here are a few really good reasons to be a little bit less confident in your ability to see the clear, intended meaning when you read the Bible: 1. This is why HE he stated that the Sabbath was made for man, man wasnt made for the Sabbath. Solomon compromised with God's way; he decided to give into his wives' idolatrous practices for personal and political peace (1 Kings 11:1-8). The CEV uses an even more simplified version of English than the GNT. Matthew 5:11-12 We were breathing in polluted unbelief and exhaling disobedience. Is The Message a good Bible translation? - Verse By Verse Ministry The Message Bible translation by Eugene H. Peterson is a paraphrase of the scriptures using modern English, the author claims he is trying to make the Bible understandable to the average person. This is not a study Bible, but rather ""a reading Bible."" The verse numbers, which are not in the original documents, have been left out of the print version to facilitate easy and enjoyable reading. The leader does not state the source of the paraphrased writings so I believe that many are deceived not knowing the Word of God, especially new believers. Why it matters if your Bible was translated by a racially diverse group Thank you! The Passion is the work of sole translator, Brian Simmons, whose work has been heavily critiqued by the scholarly world. What is The Message (MSG)? - I've even cited The Messagein some of my academic, biblical commentary writing. Following is the first 2 of 9 points that demonstrate why Peterson's bible is not a translation or even a paraphrase. He is emphasizing how these same-sex acts are flatly contrary to God's design and also explaining how, historically, the human race was given over to idolatry and sin.). 13 And lead us not into temptation, He is further identified as the son of Amoz (Isaiah 1:1). Remember, Noah built the Ark, scholars built the Titanic. The Message is not only a poor paraphrase, but it is, in fact,heretical. On the other hand, a man oozing with love and compassion can err by tolerating everything and everyone, thus compromising God's truth. I continued my protest. Samaritans and Jews also disagreed over their holy sites. You are really understanding mans word, not Gods by using this commentary/paraphrase. There are words in every language that does and does not exist in another language. The Message Bible: A Mystic Mess by Dr. Terry Watkins TOP 10 why the message bible is dangerous BEST and NEWEST Rooted in his "translation" philosophy, Peterson has produced a "Message" which is nothing more than a commentary published as a translation. 6. Finally, I have to say, the attitudes in a lot of these comments and from the opinion of the author is why many people are leaving the practice of Christianity. You can do anything you want! The ESV reads: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. I just recently found your article that was written in 2017 as I was searching for errors in the Message. Paul wrote, "And do not grumble, as some of them did and were killed by the destroying angel" ( 1 Corinthians 10:10 ). May your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven. In this powerful message, Pastor Doug investigates a very real threat facing the church in the last days: Satan's plan to neutralize the transforming power of the gospel. The Bible is therefore a highly dangerous. Many young people who want to serve on a short-term basis with us in the the Scottish housing schemes are on fire for the poor and passionate about being "missional" and "breaking down barriers.". The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (MSG) is a paraphrase of the Bible in contemporary English. Authored by Eugene H. Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. The translators of the CEV prove their exegetical incompetence with confusing and illogical translations of verses, such as their handling of Acts 9:22. It could also refer to sincerity; if ones eyes are windows into their soul, then having a sincere heart will be reflected in ones actions and words. The result is a strongly sectarian translation that no longer counts as Scripture; by masquerading as a Bible it threatens to bind entire churches in thrall to a false god. The Passion Translation is even promoted by churches that share Simmons own theology (for example removing rebuking and correcting from 2 Timothy 4:2). Reasons to Avoid the Prosperity Gospel - Institute For Faith, Work I will fear no evil, According to Psalm 138:2 God magnifies His Word above His name. The biblical position on controversial social and cultural issues is not immoral, it's not harmful, and it's not unloving. You set out at the beginning of the year to read the Bible every day. Rather, it is designed as a reading Bible that can give you a fresh perspective on a familiar phrase or passage.. Some simply cut out sections of the Bible altogether or add ideas that were never in the original manuscripts. "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. 9 Reasons Why "The Bible Is A Highly Dangerous Book!" - Catholic-Link The Danger of Complaining: Spiritual Life in God I admit it can be useful in bringing clarity to certain passages, but one must learn to work through the actual scriptures, which takes effort, dedication and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To see additional comparisons other than what is listed below, visit Bible Gateway, where you can view parallel translations of this translation (and any of the other poor translations featured in this article) with the ESV (or any other reliable translation) side by side. Amen. 1) The Message (MSG) - This translation is a paraphrase by Eugene Peterson. Speak the Truth in Love. In his book the Bible he expressly commands us not to change his words (Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:19). Ephesians 2:2 serves as a reminder that although it may seem like a distant memory, there was once a time when we walked according to the way of this world but now, thanks be to God, we are free! Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spiritwith wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people. Instead of using any of these misleading translations, we would do much better to quote the Word of God faithfully, which is perfect and God-breathed, instead of rewording Gods message to include our biases and personal opinions and beliefs. New NAR "Passion Bible" a dangerous heresy - Berean Research (a) (The Message) "Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy leaving us more lonely than ever - the kind of sex that can never "become one"." (b) Comment: Sexual immorality is reduced to "the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy". To help us keep our feet on the path that leads to life, below are 10 biblical warnings Christ's followers should take more seriously. I replied that as part of the body of Christ, she was responsible along with everyone else for ensuring that an authentic Bible gets used and not a book that misrepresents Gods word. Holy Bible comes with both the new testament and the old testaments of the holy scriptures. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible was presented to the public as a completed . Cant find your booklet. Jews believed the temple in Jerusalem was the only proper place to worship God. It is written in a conversational style with contemporary language, making it easier for readers to relate to on a personal level. Good people are going to perish. Our Father in heaven, Song of Solomon: Most Amazing . So notice: The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read oftenevery day, both on your own and together with others.". It would be smart to not confuse the Message with the actual word of God, it is a commentary and should be treated as such, meaning it is not divinely inspired and is full of errors. The men who spied out Canaan had returned to Israel's camp and reported that the Promised Land had giants. [] The Message, I was told, is a paraphrase, a commentary, a rendition, a transliteration, etc, etc. Why Is the Message Bible So Dangerous? 4 Bible Verses You Should Know The Bible Is Dangerous, Inaccurate, and Written By Man - Believers Indeed, a day of judgment is coming (2:12-22, 24:1-23), so let all the nations of the earth take heed. These drugs can be obtained through prescription. The minister told the other speakers not to use The Message anymore. through the darkest valley, makes me feel secure. Samaritans only recognized the first 5 books of the Bible, rejecting the remaining books of the Hebrew Bible. Although it appears that Eugene Peterson's bible The Message is endorsed by many prominent people this does not mean we accept what they promote without testing it against Scripture. Even in moderation, alcohol use causes significant problemsphysically, mentally, and spiritually. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jonathan Kotyk is a student, self taught philosopher, recovering addict and born again Christian. Like I said, it is a commentary, not a translation and it should be treated as such. (23 October 2018). In addition, Matthew 6:20 speaks of the lamp of the body being the eye. The Message, a loose paraphrase of the Bible, is often treated as a translation. Almost all of Christianity is deceived and doesnt know the truth. IE. The Message Bible is a paraphrase version of the Bible. Millions of evangelicals and other Christian fundamentalists believe that the Bible was essentially dictated by God to men who acted as human channelers. Hostility to it is hostility to the. but deliver us from the evil one.'". Ken is currently working on a Bible app (Wave Parallel Bible) with a team of scholars which links words and phrases from nine major Bible translations, including The Message. Danger #2 "False guilt". 26 Comments In sum, my view today of The Messageis the same as it has been for years, unchanged by the controversial events of this week. Did the Bible copy other religious myths, legends, and traditions? What's Wrong With Gossip? - Dale A Robbins I ended up hearing The Message defined as all kinds of things to try to dismiss the problem that it tampered with scripture a practice which the Bible itself condemns. 5 Bible Translations You Should Avoid CRIT-LARGE But nowhere in Scripture is sound thinking discouraged. We are called to be His examples, His disciples. Regarded as sacred and authoritative, such a complex collection of histories, legends, allegories and images becomes a monstrous Rorschach blot in which you can picture almost . Becoming a scholar is the job of the church leader SO they can speak it upon any person of any intelligence. 10 We ask that your kingdom will come now. The same applies to Tarot reading. Taking away and adding to ie Going to the casino is a sin. Ultimately, God is the judge and we are not. Schedule III: Drugs with low to moderate potential for abuse and/or . Thought-for-thought presents the intended meaning of the author, which the original audience would have understood during the time the writing was originally created. Thats why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. Would I use it as my only version? As a white male . Yes. A striving after love, is the ethically more demanding choice (1 Corinthians 13:4), while the other, insisting on the right faith, more likely than not will lead to callousness (Gal 1:6-9). Gossip always contributes to a problem and never to a solution. Human pride and boasting are utterly foolish and a great danger before this righteous God (2:11-17; 10:33; 13:11; 16:6; 23:9; 28:1-4). Peterson inserts his own dogma . Dont let your guard down or forget that at any moment you can be deceived. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Tom Morel Read more 13 Dont bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One. You cannot say that just because divination is used in human sacrifice, it is evil. and send me in the right direction. Thank you for your comments on The Message, although not very well versed in the bible something in my gut told me that it was wrong. It seems the phrases You are in charge, you can do anything you want, you are ablaze in beauty is meant to replace for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory and the yes yes yes is meant to be a translation for amen. When bestows glory on anything, its beautiful. "You do sports together or go shopping together. Look for Part 2 of this article, where we will review the top 5 Bible translations to use. Some new Bibles are dangerous because of the theological bias of their translators. I remember feeling like a pariah with no support or friends in that church for some weeks. Other translations have just one translator, thereby single-handedly taking on a role that is meant for a diverse team of renowned biblical translators of various denominations. Those who promote use of the Message tend to deny the sinful nature of man and the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone for salvation. You should seek understanding through the Holy Spirit, not through the eyes of man. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, I appreciate the years of effort that were put into it, and I recognize it for what it is, with all its great strengths and great weaknesses. That's because by itself, the Bible is not a history book. Is Tarot Card Divination Dangerous or Evil? Lisa Boswell He gives me new strength. This is the latest development: a 16-page booklet available on that anyone around the world can order and give out: The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information However, the Holy Spirit has still moved newcomers to the congregation to hear the necessary elements of the Sword of Truth in their message, that leads them to surrender to His Divine Will. The Bible reveals that psychic experiences are real but demonic, and that deceiving . Do what's best Firstly, ALL Bibles such as NKJV, NIV etc are paraphrasing. One lady, a former church leader, reportedly lay awake all night wrestling with the issue. At one point, I emailed as many people in the church whose email addresses I could find, showing the problems with the book. This mistreatment of Scripture can be seen in his misuse of passages such as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. The New International [3] Peterson notes that in the course of the project, he realized this was exactly what he had been doing in his thirty-five years as a pastor, "always looking for an English way to make the biblical text relevant to the conditions of the people". Theological Reasons. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. That is our job. 2. I am thankful that Gods grace is sufficient enough for you, me and Eugene Peterson because God is the only one that knows the heart. So, if the Bible is the Word of God, and God is perfect, it follows that the Bible must be perfect, too. Some scholars, like Michael J. Gorman, consider some of Peterson's idiomatic renderings unconventional.
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