They staid some days in the camp at Sablon, and then went on to Beaucaire. De S. Lory, Sainte Ursule triomphante des coeurs, de lenfer, de 1empire, Patrone du celebre college de Sorbonne, Paris, 1666, 4to. The Red Book is a volume of Welsh prose and verse romances and tales, begun in the year 1318, and finished in 1454. According to an Arabic legend, St. George thrice rose from his grave, and was thrice slain. In that terrible season of confusion faith will be all but extinguished. In a certain forest lived a mighty elephant, king of a herd, Toothy by name. Then, addressing the princess, he bade her pass her girdle round it, and fear nothing. He who was awake saw a bee come out of the mouth of the sleeper, cross a stream of water on a straw, run into a hole, and then return and disappear into the mouth of his friend. Beside him is the crux ansata, with a hawk sitting on the oval handle. In every mythology, the different attributes of the deity in process of time became distinct gods, yet with sufficient impress of their origin still upon them to make that origin easy to be detected. In the mediaeval romance of Huon de Bordeaux, Oberons horn has the same properties; and in a Spanish tale of the Fandango, at the strains of the tune, the Pope and cardinals are made to dance and jig about. His German Chronicle contains the story of Bishop Widerolf and the mice. In the year 1430, after a violent tempest, which broke down the dykes in Holland and flooded the low lands, some girls of the town of Edam in West Friesland, going in a boat to milk their cows, observed a mermaid in shallow water and embarrassed in the mud. In 2002, he orchestrated this version for orchestra, choir, pipes, fiddle, and percussion to commemorate the opening of the Helix Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland. He was next asked whence he came. Mi mineur",[17] which text has been wrongly attributed to Sir Alexander Boswell (1775-1822). There the natives tell that there is a stone of such wondrous power, that the possessor can walk invisible, can, at a wish, provide himself with as much stock-fish and corn-brandy as he may desire, can raise the dead, cure disease, and break bolts and bars. Who that has visited Snowdon has not seen the grave of Llewellyns faithful hound Gellert, and been told by the guide the touching story of the death of the noble animal? Hanov. In the year 711 lived Beatrice only daughter of Dietrich, Duke of Cleves, at her castle of Nymwe-gen. One bright day she sat at her window looking down the Rhine, when she saw a swan drawing a boat by a gold chain. [163] Muller, Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. martyrologies and calendars, of the Teutonic Gimartardt, or Kimar-trdt (passus), which, standing S. Ursula Ximartor, might have led later writers to have taken the entry to signify S. Ursula, et XL Martor. When the emperor entered the castle of S. Angelo at Rome, these two banners were carried before him. [157] Keightleys Fairy Mythology, i860, pp. Rabanus Maurus, in his work on the life of Antichrist, gives a full account of the miracles he will perform; he tells us that the Man-fiend will heal the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb; he will raise storms and calm them, will remove mountains, make trees flourish or wither at a word. Various suggestions have been made to account for this extraordinary number. Here are found the emeralds, sapphires, carbuncles, topazes, chrysolites, onyxes, beryls, sardius, and other costly stones. [138] Zeitschrift f. Deut. The historical discrepancies are sufficiently glaring to make the story more than questionable. A curious little book,[11]written against the quackery of Paracelsus, by Leonard Doldius, a Nrnberg physician, and translated into Latin and augmented, by Andreas Libavius, doctor and physician of Rotenburg, alludes to the same story, and gives the Jew a new name nowhere else met with. The poet Gunadhya is the heavenly Maljavan incarnate, and the fable properly belongs to some of the heavenly musicians, the Ribhus, Maruts, or Gandharvas. I spent it in good company. Gibbon, without much investigation into the ground of the charge, assumes the identity of the Saint and the Arian prelate. 108. Then the cauldron burst and extinguished the fire. Pheredur signifies, according to M. de la Ville-marque[217], The Companion of the Basin, and is a synonym of Perceval; Per being a basin, and Keval and Kedur having alike the meaning of companion. The Mussulmans revere him equally with the Christians, and tell a tale concerning him having a strong affinity to that recorded in the acts. [117] Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal. I believe the varied fables relate to one and the same objectand that, the lightning. Waxing and waning were individualized, and the meteorological fact of the connection of the rain with the moon was represented by the children as water-bearers. Indra fights with the hideous serpent Ahi, or Vrita, who keeps guard over the fountain of rains. The robbers mockingly replied that the aged man would be given to him if he could shoot an apple off his head. Divides his time between heaven and hell, subject of wailing, seeking, and finding. The historical evidence on which the tale rests is, however, too slender for us to admit for it more than the barest claim to be more than myth. But these excesses pall on him after a while, and the religion of sensuality leaves a great void in his breast. Their worship was closely united. It was reported at this time that a Jew of the time of Christ was wandering without food and drink, having for a thousand and odd years been a vagabond and outcast, condemned by God to rove, because he, of that generation of vipers, was the first to cry out for the crucifixion of Christ and the release of Barabbas; and also because soon after, when Christ, panting under the burden of the rood, sought to rest before his workshop (he was a cobbler), the fellow ordered Him off with acerbity. three days after he had gone, Urban discovered that his pastoral staff had put forth buds, and had burst into flower. The terror inspired by the outburst of the thunder-storm is expressed in fable by the paralyzing effect of the eye of the cockatrice, the exhibition of the Gorgons countenance, and the waving of the glorious hand. In the mean while the day of ordeal approached, and Else fell into despair. FROM the earliest ages of the Church, the advent of the Man of Sin has been looked forward to with terror, and the passages of Scripture relating to him have been studied with solemn awe, lest that day of wrath should come upon the Church unawares. Then there entred into the hall the holy grale covered with white samite, but there was none that might see it, nor who beare it, and there was all the hall fulfilled with good odours, and every knight had such meate and drinke as he best loved in this world; and when the holy grale had beene borne through the hall, then the holy vessel departed suddenly, and they wist not where it became.. Four of the specimens bearing this symbol exhibited likewise the name of Thorr in runes. also ix. On the breaking out of the persecution, he distributed his money among the poor, and declared himself, before the Emperor, to be a Christian. In the mean time, the day was waning; the barge was ready to convey him to land, and would assuredly bring him back. In the following year he was besieging Calais. According to him it is divided into two parts, whereof one is fair and agreeable, and contains a church, whilst the other is rough and uncultivated, and a favourite haunt of devils. Popular opinion added that his vast wealth would be obtained from hidden treasures, which are now being concealed by the demons for his use. . It occurs in the Seven Wise Masters, and in the Calumnia Novercalis as well, so that it must have been popular throughout medival Europe. Let us now see some of the forms which this remarkable myth assumed in other countries. The monarch inquired of the stranger his name; for answer he pointed to the letter on his breast. A woman, more lovely than the moon, bore the child in her arms. The twelve first, as may be seen at once, are the signs of the zodiac, marching under the orders of the sun Napoleon, and each commanding a division of the innumerable host of stars, which are parted into twelve portions, corresponding to the twelve signs. He was succeeded in his office by his son Frimutelle, who transgressed, by loving a damsel, Floramie by name. In Bohemia sleep three miners deep in the heart of the Kuttenberg. In Brittany, similar spirits are called Bandrhudes, and are attached to several of the ancient families. The news came from Italy and Germany, and extended to Spain, England, and other Western kingdoms, troubling many people, even the most discreet; however, the learned gave it no credence, saying that the signs predicted in Scripture to precede that event were not yet accomplished, and among other that the Roman empire was not yet abolished. The king tells him he has heard of his prowess, and is come to match his strength with him. But, leaving the cross cramponnee, let us examine some other crosses. Hisexposat Paris tells heavily against him, but need not be regarded as conclusive evidence of imposture throughout his career. He persuaded them to accompany him to Wales, where he lodged them in his palace, and in return for his hospitality, received the basin. Are you not aware that they are the subjects of me? But Polydorus applieth it unto Kentish men at Stroud, by Rochester, for cuttinge off Thomas Beckets horses tail. Observe the use of this herb: the hand of glory is used to hold this candle when it is lighted[117]. Presently we hear the whistle in the grass, and then every herb and tree is set in agitation. [94] De Mortillet, Le signe de la Croix avant le Christianisme. 714. But no such fears were likely to be entertained; for the mermaid is not an object of terror to the fisherman: it is rather a welcome guest, and danger is to be apprehended only from its experiencing bad treatment. An old Swedish Theophilus of 1350 exists in the royal library at Stockholm. After this the corpses were flung by his orders into the lake Gopolo. When this was done, the monster followed like a docile hound. It is this:. 2), Brahma is represented crowned with clouds, with lilies for eyes, with four handsone holding the necklace of creation; another the Veda; a third, the chalice of the source of life; the fourth, the fiery cross. Upon his face, which was shaped like that of a porpoise, he had a beard of the same colour. The popular traditions current relating to the Cappadocian martyr are distinct in the East and the West, and are alike sacred myths of faded creeds, absorbed into the newer faith, and recoloured. No one, however, entered into the matter with half the zeal of Don Fernando de Alma, a young cavalier of high standing in the Portuguese court, and of the meek, sanguine, and romantic temperament. Rudolph Botoreus says, under this date, I fear lest I be accused of giving ear to old wives fables, if I insert in these pages what is reported all over Europe of the Jew, coeval with the Savior Christ; however, nothing is more common, and our popular historieshave not scrupled to assert it. So, as they strayd, a swan they sawSail stately up and strong,And by a silver chain she drewA little boat along,Whose streamer to the gentle breeze,Long floating, flutterd light,Beneath whose crimson canopyThere lay reclined a knight. In Austria, a similar legend is related of the mouse -tower at Holzolster, with this difference only, that the hard-hearted nobleman casts the poor people into a dungeon and starves them to death, instead of burning them[139]. We find that Antichrist is known to the Mussulmans as well as to Christians. S. George delivers a princess from a monster, who is about to devour her. Another eye-witness writes to the Abb Bignon a letter printed by Lebrun in hisHistoirecritique cited above. Then there was drought and pestilence in the land of Babel for three months, so that the living were not sufficient to bury the dead. Olaf Tryggvason is waiting a similar occasion in Norway. The custody of the sacred standard of S. George was confided to the Swabian knights. The Eastern facade has fourteen doors opening on a terrace, with bas-reliefs between them. as they reachd the mountains side,A wondrous portal opend wide,As if a cavern were suddenly hollowd;And the piper advanced, and the children followd;And when all were in, to the very last,The door in the mountain side shut fast., No! When his search was crowned with success, he asked the signification of the mystic rite which took place before his eyes, and was told that the king was a Fisher, descended from Joseph of Arimathaea, and uncle of Perceval; that the spear was that which had pierced the Saviours side, and that the Grail was the vessel in which the sacred blood of Christ had been collected. On Babylonish cylinders it is generally employed in conjunction with the hawk or eagle, either seated on it, or flying above it. de la Bible, t. ii. The quarrel was settled by Zeus dividing the year into three portions, whereof one, from the summer solstice to the autumn equinox, was to belong to Adonis, the second was to be spent by him with Aphrodite, and the third with Persephone. He paced his room at nights in an agony of terror, his face lost its colour, his brow was seamed with wrinkles, an unutterable horror gleamed from his deep-set eyes. It occurs repeatedly on their cylinders, bricks, and gems. An equally remarkable illustrated work on Antichrist is the famous Liber de Antichristo, a blockbook of an early date. Hour by hour he prayed, but found no relief. When John observed the superiority and serviceableness of the other, he envied him, and plotted to seize and murder him. That of Rabbi Joel was a translation from an Arabic version made by Nasr-Allah in the twelfth century, whilst Simeon Seths was a translation of the Persian Kalilah andDimnah. He feasted and lived with the trolls for three days, and then returned to his ship, bringing with him two chests of silver and gold, which Ingibjorg had given him. I can hardly believe myself to be in Ephesus. He asked a passer-by the name of the city, and on being told it was Ephesus, he was thunderstruck. They walked all round the house, examining every spot of ground, particularly near the window from whence the voice had proceeded; the bed of earth beneath, in which the rose-tree was planted, had been recently dug, and the print of a footstepif the tree had been forced aside by mortal handwould have inevitably remained; but they could perceive no such impression, and an unbroken stillness reigned without. Some men clepen it the Welle of Youthe: for thei that often drynken thereat, semen alle weys yongly, and lyven withouten sykenesse. [134] Heldensagen der Minussischen Tataren, v. A. Schiefner. They spoke of the black people of Abascia in Ethiopia, which, by the way, they called Middle India, as a great people subject to a Christian monarch. Wherever he was, should a question be asked him of his condition or office in the temple, he was to refuse to answer, and at once to return to Montsalvatsch. [188] Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. In the Undine story, a water-maiden, in like manner and for a like object, is adopted by an old fisherman,, and becomes the bride of a youthful German knight. In order to obtain rain little boys and girls were sacrificed to him, and their flesh was devoured at a sacred banquet by the chiefs. [173] Wallace, An Account of the Islands of Orkney, 1700, p. 60. Charmed at the piety of the birds, S. Brandan prayed for them, when they were transformed into children, were baptized, and then died. They reached a ness, and found the land covered with forest. On his way he saw a tent in which lay a beautiful damsel asleep. Why did not I die before you?, Then she fell at her fathers feet and besought his blessing. . Great was the exultation in Europe, for of late the news from the East had been gloomy and depressing, the power of the infidel had increased, overwhelming masses of men had been brought into the field against the chivalry of Christendom, and it was felt that the cross must yield before the odious crescent. But another popular belief respecting this mountain was, that in it Venus, the pagan Goddess of Love, held her court, in all the pomp and revelry of heathendom; and there were not a few who declared that they had seen fair forms of female beauty beckoning them from the mouth of the chasm, and that they had heard dulcet strains of music well up from the abyss above the thunder of the falling, unseen torrent. On digging at the spot, expecting to discover an abundant source, the body of a murdered woman was found in a barrel, with a rope twisted round her neck. The Parting Glass an Irish farewell. The Parting Glass is a great example of that special quality found in the best farewell songs being able to combine joy and sorrow in a way that is both sad yet uplifting at the same time. She loved both her children dearly, giving them alike the breast, and anointing them alike with salves. If it were supposed that their fears magnified its supposed resemblance to the human form, it must at all events be admitted that there was some ground for exciting these fears. Filled with horror, the girl rushed up the back stairs, and endeavoured to arouse her master and the men of the house; but all in vain, they slept a charmed sleep; and finding all her efforts ineffectual, she hastened downstairs again. Ps. And who art thou, friend? Geyti, Aslaks son. The dead man, in short, alive and well. eat of these crumbs, and leave the wheat.. And another, from the hall of Nisroch, carries an emblematic necklace, consisting of the sun surrounded by a ring, the moon, a Maltese cross likewise in a ring, a three-horned cap, and a symbol like two horns[89]. An Anglo-Saxon story bears some traces of the same legend. In the Hatto and Popiel legends it is evident that the rats are the souls of those whom the Bishop and the King murdered. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. They (the contemporaries of Yan-bushadh) tell that the idols in the land of Babel bewailed Yanbushadh singly in all their temples a whole night long till morning. We have the same story in the Gretla; only there the dead king is Karr the old; Grettir is led to open his cairn, by seeing flames dancing on the mound at night. 11), appear on the Scandinavian moneys. He writes, The Catai dwelt beyond certain mountains across which I wandered, and in a plain in the midst of the mountains lived once an important Nestorian shepherd, who ruled over the Nestorian people, called Nayman. His constancy and miracles are the means of converting 40,900 men, and the Empress Alexandra. She threatened to jump into the well unless he opened the door. Lubec. When I saw him, he told the story in so clear and positive a manner, making oath to its truth, that I concluded he must really have seen the animal he described, or that it must have been the effect of a disturbed imagination[169]., In a splendidly illustrated work with plates coloured by hand,11Poissons, ecrevisses et crabes de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires, que 1on trouve autour des Isles Moluques, dedicated to King George of England, and published by Louis Renard at Amsterdam, in 1717, is a curious account of a mermaid. His speech is comprehended by every one, admonishing the people that he is the true Messiah, and the son of God, and that in him all must believe. It was supposed by others that the villa had belonged to a Christian, and that the execution of his design in the pavement had been entrusted to pagans, who, through ignorance, had substituted the head of Neptune for that of the Saviour. White marble crosses were found on the island of S. Ulloa, on its discovery. The former was a hydroscope, who fell into convulsions whenever he passed over running water. iii. Then, following the track of the thief, it led him to the cottage of one of the keepers, but did not move over any of the individuals then in the house. One of the best of the ancient poems is that of Rutebeuf, a trouvere of the thirteenth century. How he performed this feat we do not know; probably it was, after the manner of the Hameln piper, with his lyre, for we find that in Greek fable that instrument has powers attractive to the beasts attributed to it. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. The remains belong to three distinct ages. A little difficulty occurred on another point. On one side of the strait dwell a few fishermen, men possessed of a strange character, and enjoying singular privileges in consideration of thus being the living ferrymen who, performing the office of the heathen Charon, carry the spirits of the departed to the island which is their residence after death. Liebrecht, p. 25. Thorrs cross is on the bells of Appleby, and Scotherne, Waddingham, Bishops Norton, and West Barkwith, in Lincolnshire, on those of Hathersage in Derbyshire, Mexborough in Yorkshire, and many more. I do not regard it as a primeval Turanian, but as an Aryan story, which, like an erratic block, is found deposited on foreign soil far from the mountain whence it was torn. The Scotch story of Thomas of Ercildoune is the same story. It was this person who was seen in Hamburg in MDLXIV. The word (Hebrew) never stands alone, but is always joined with (Hebrew), which the LXX render(Greek);the word in the fifth chapter they render (Greek); that in the seventh,(Greek) and(Greek); so that(Greek) is put for (Hebrew) and(Greek)for (Hebrew). William of Malmesbury tells this story[143]: I have heard a person of the utmost veracity relate, that one of the adversaries of Henry IV. The seven swam to the shore and sought their clothes. Salvius leaped into the boat, and cast it loose from its mooring. Sultan overhears the conversation, and complains bitterly to the wolf, who suggests an ingenious plan by which the master may be induced to spare his dog. We must have a keener contest, said the king, taking an arrow and flushing with anger; then he laid the arrow on the string and drew his bow to the farthest, so that the horns were nearly brought to meet. Who does not remember Tom Moores verses on this legend?. Six weeks after they reappeared in the same spot, and were seen by more than fifty persons. [24] The rendition by the Clancys and Makem has been described as "by all accounts the most influential" of the many recorded versions. Rufinus, who tells the story also, says that this took place at the destruction of the Serapium at Canopus[83]; but Socrates and Sozomen. The procession of bishops, with the Host and tapers, is sweeping along, when suddenly the cross-bearer before the triple-crowned and vested Pope starts aside to witness the unexpected arrival. On this account also was the mantle of the Toltek atmospheric god covered with red crosses. He early entered the army, and behaved with great courage and endurance. One day, there came a man into the town, most quaintly attired in parti-coloured suit. iii. [64] Lucian, de dea Syria, n. 7. That temple symbolized the Church triumphant in heaven when the stones, hewn afar off in the quarries of this world, are laid noiselessly in their proper place, so that the whole, fitly framed together, groweth unto a holy temple in the Lordan idea well expressed in the ancient hymn Angulare fundamentum , Many a blow and biting sculpturePolishd well those stones elect,In their places well compactedBy the heavenly Architect.. 17; x. Before he left her, he obtained from her a promise to be his. Grimm[78]mentions a very curious passage in the Chronicle of Rodulph, wherein it is related that, in 1133, a ship was secretly constructed in a forest at Inda, and was placed on wheels, and rolled by the weavers to Aix, then to Maestricht, and elsewhere, amidst dances, and music, and scenes which the pious chronicler refrains from describing. It was with this hammer that Thorr crushed the head of the great Mitgard serpent, that he destroyed the giants, that he restored the dead goats to life which drew his car, that he consecrated the pyre of Baldur. Next instant the cry of the babe from behind the cradle showed him that the child was uninjured; and, on looking farther, Llewellyn discovered the body of a huge wolf, which had entered the house to seize and devour the child, but which had been kept off and killed by the brave dog Gellert. A man determines on slaying his old dog Sultan, and consults with his wife how this is to be effected. But the Tartars guessed what Prester John purposed . The roof of the chancel is divided into compartments, in four of which are the Evangelistic symbols, rudely, yet effectively painted. 1837, plate xii. But not here the place to impart,Nor hast thou undergone the ritesThat fit thee to partake the mystery.Look! The same story is found among the modern Greeks, and the hero has a pipe, and his name is Bakala[129]. Grimm has a story to this effect: a lad obtains a bow which will bring down any thing he aims at, and a fiddle which, when scraped, will make all who hear it dance. It became popular through the Gesta Romanorum, a collection of tales made by the monks for harmless reading, in the fourteenth century. Rufin. A servant saw a mouse run out of him. . And when Helyas had mekelye taken his leave of all his parentes and freendes, he made to here his armures and armes of honoure into the shyppe, with hys target and his bright sheelde, of whiche as it is written the felde was of sylver, and thereon a double crosse of golde. von Sprenger, vol. But who would credit it, were it not proved by conclusive facts, that Johnny Sands is the inheritance of the whole Aryan family of nations, and that Peeping Tom of Coventry peeped in India and on the Tartar steppes ages before Lady Godiva was born? [51] Historie of that Most famous Saint and Soldier of Christ Jesus, S. George of Cappadocia, 1633. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. . Mart.,originated the misconception; and, in fact, one missal, supposed to be old, has a similar commemoration; whilst an inscription at Spiers, according to Rettberg, mentions Ursula et Decumilia. Some told her that they used sometimes to see her come to the fountain, to bathe in it, in the form of a most beautiful woman and in the dress of a widow. The head of the victim was forgotten, and the sacrificial blood was supposed to be that of Christ. No sooner, however, had the fleet left the mouth of the Thames, than it was scattered by the winds, and, some of the vessels having been driven ashore on barbarous island coasts, the damsels were either killed or enslaved; some became the prey of the execrable army of Guanius and Melga, kings of the Huns and Picts, who, falling upon the band of luckless virgins, massacred them without compunction. Euterpe, c. 141, Trans. Navilon then unarmed the strange knight, and the king gave him a costly mantle. The land was extensive and level, so that there was not to be seen mountain or hill, and the sun shone cloudless, without night and darkness; the calm of the air was great, and there was but a feeble murmur of wind, and that which there was, breathed redolentwith the odor of blossoms. After a short walk, Eirek observed what certainly must have been a remarkable object, namely, a tower or steeple self-suspended in the air, without any support whatever, though access might be had to it by means of a slender ladder. Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. I have never since felt surprise at superstition attaching itself to these glorious birds, haunting I lone tarns, pure as new-fallen snow. But S. Cunibert (d. 663) is related, in a legend of the ninth century, to have been celebrating in the church of the Blessed Virgins, when a white dove appeared, and indicated the spot where lay the relics of one of the martyrs: these were, of course at once exhumed.