I have tried to weed through them in order to create a chart that we can work with. In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. They were also sometimes depicted wearing clothes with elaborate de Here it is. During the Old Babylonian Period, the Sumerian and Akkadian languages were retained for religious purposes; the majority of Sumerian mythological literature known to historians today comes from the Old Babylonian Period,[5] either in the form of transcribed Sumerian texts (most notably the Babylonian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh) or in the form of Sumerian and Akkadian influences within Babylonian mythological literature (most notably the Enma Eli). So putting together the pieces from the bible, new and old testaments, various writings on mayans, light workers, spiritual meduims, what our governments and some churches, and various lectures form Dr Pye, convinced me, these are the missing bits of information I have been looking for. Note from the Editor: First of all; this is an authentic message! For example, the people of Uruk revered the god An and the goddess Inanna, while the residents of Nippur considered Enlil to be their patron deity, and Eridu saw Enki being held as most important. Fortunately enough, many of these varied parcels of old fable . The Hurrians adopted the Akkadian god Anu into their pantheon sometime no later than 1200 BC. What is their bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific deities? Of the four planes of existence in Sumerian mythos, the Netherworld, otherwise known as Kigal or Irkalla, was by far the most depressing. The Sumerian god of the sky was An. (LogOut/ [19] This bleak domain was known as Kur,[17]:114 and was believed to be ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal. Family tree of the Babylonian gods - Wikiwand 1. . Who was the Sumerian God Enki? | Gaia All things considered, I would take this very seriously. Laugh at it if you must, but take it seriously if you are smart. We pray for everyone but we NEVER get involved directly because THIS IS NOT OUR HOME. The Elohim let us create man in our image in Genesis One were not Lord God YHWH Elohim (our Heavenly Father). is given by At the top, we have the primordial gods Tiamat (the Dragon Mother) and Apsu. That isnt a new statement from Deyo. Priests were responsible for continuing the cultural and religious traditions of their city-state, and were viewed as mediators between humans and the cosmic and terrestrial forces. NKJV, John- Numerous ancient texts describe him as both an aggressive, antagonistic god, while others have him down as a kind, friendly, and benevolent being who protected Sumerians. Then, the Anunna made a category of inferior gods, the Igigi work The do NOT WANT THIS INFORMATION OUT. Carved figure with feathers. or one soul playing all the roles.. This asymmetry continues today. of years ago. The Trimurti 3. Niberou people came to earth as I have understood was Summeria now known as IRAQ (is that the real reason why IRAQ was invaded? Who were they and accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens The god of heaven or the sky, he was also the patron god of the city of Uruk. During the Akkadian Period, Ereshkigal's role as the ruler of the underworld was assigned to Nergal, the god of death. Norse Gods Family Tree: Who is Who? - Myth Nerd [42]:97101 The Judaic underworld Sheol is very similar in description with the Sumerian Kur, ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal, as well as the Babylonian underworld Irkalla. NKJV. Or is this something else? In an ancient seal that dates back to the period, Inanna was depicted to have several weapons ready on her back, a horned helmet, wings, and with her foot on a lion whose leash she was holding. Be WISE AS SERPENTS, but gentle as doves. Did you like this post? Maybe one day we can unite with the a.A.Mi. Sumerian religion - Wikipedia During the Third Dynasty of Ur, the Sumerian city-state of Lagash was said to have had sixty-two "lamentation priests" who were accompanied by 180 vocalists and instrumentalists.[10]. So after the original sin, and fall, Adam was injected down into the East Garden (see Gen 2:8, yes there was already a West Garden). The Family Tree of the Ancient Anunnaki - Those who Came Down from Heaven by Ivan Petricevic December 05, 2017 from Ancient-Code website The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. [14]:179 Male deities became dominant[14]:179 and the gods completely lost their original associations with natural phenomena. ; live together and visit each others worlds in peace. PS: theres a line at the end of the message that is not included above . I do NOT want humans to take sides in this upcoming battle of the gods and once again be used as cannon-fodder and foot soldiers in their war. Members of the Mesopotamian pantheon were immortal, and as long as they were above the Netherworld, had an aura about them called melammu, which was described as a glow which instantly distinguished them from mere mortals. These entities gave birth to An, the god of the sky which doubled as heaven, and Ki, who represented the Earth. There is even evidence of cults which considered Nanna to be the primary god. arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Enlil was the god of air, wind, and storm. It is said that Enlil himself betrothed the two divine beings. According to Sitchin's To understand Marduk's place in Sumerian legend, you need to know where he stands on the family tree. For additional information on this 2 Thess. who was the first of them? PRAY and love and touch peoples lives with compassion and remain aware of whats happening around you. Her popularity saw a spike in the early days of Babylon, eventually going on to become the foremost of healing deities for the civilization. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens - YogaEsoteric The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 3,010 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Thank you for visiting sumerian family tree page. However, it should be noted that creating a complete family tree would be impossible, as most gods have different names, many are. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. God Bless You. 1. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree + Did Gilgamesh Exist? - UGETube Their order of importance and the relationships between the deities has been examined during the study of cuneiform tablets. [14]:182. Ninti, or Ninmah, or Ninhursag was an OLDER SISTER of Enlil and Enki, the goddess who aided Enki in our creation. The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, by Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and pseudoscientific portals. [13]:3740 An and Ki mated with each other, causing Ki to give birth to Enlil, the god of wind, rain, and storm. Marduk and his cohorts have ever since been pulling the strings of most of the Global Elite, and the a.A.Mi. First, the Sumerians believed that a single heaven and earth were formed by a primordial sea. Ninurta: God of war, agriculture, one of the Sumerian wind gods; patron deity of Girsu and one of the patron deities of Lagash. The God Enki. [39], The Sumerians had an ongoing linguistic and cultural exchange with the Semitic Akkadian peoples in northern Mesopotamia for generations prior to the usurpation of their territories by Sargon of Akkad in 2340 BC. As a result, he was visually depicted as a bearded man in a typical garb of the time complete with horned hat sitting down, with flowing streams and fish around him. Sumerian myths were passed down through the oral tradition until the invention of writing (the earliest myth discovered so far, the Epic of Gilgamesh, is Sumerian[dubious discuss] and is written on a series of fractured clay tablets). phenomenon at global scale, The strategy of keeping secret the ET existence. Orwellian Nazi Airport Screening w DHS Disinformation Board Secretary, The DHS Disinformation Board the 21st Century Gestapo, Scott Ritter and Alex Thomson Insider Intelligence Interview, Ukraine War How God Uses Dark Times to Save Souls, The below Sumerian god Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. Kingdom). p. 528. Make sure you are not left behind because they intend to slaughter mankind. According to Sitchins writings, the technology and power of the Anunnaki is something our civilization cannot replicate even today in the 21st century. Enki, a god known for his inherent worth, represented healing, fertility, and creation in Sumerian culture. They were minor gods (see Psalms 82). Laurence Gardner in Daughter to Enlil and the twin sister of Utu, she had another sibling called Ereshkigal, who was the goddess in charge of the Netherworld. Now, one of the most important Sumerian gods is the Sky Father, An, known interchangeably as "Anu." If you want to understand the Sumerian family tree, you need to learn about An. (2 Thes 2:11), It is the fallen angels (aliens) telling us that "they" are our creators. What is the Strong Delusion? The Oxford Companion to World Mythology. Unique to Sumerian religion is the fact that there is an absolute inferiority of men to gods. The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of Read More. Her name means "Lady of the Sacred Mountain" and she is a fertility and mother goddess who was a patron to many rulers. However, she also felt pity later on, and allowed him to join her in heaven for half a year albeit at the expense of having his sister replace him for the duration. SAM is near. For instance, he warned of the flood created by Enlil which was intended to eradicate the human race. As with many other polytheistic religions, the Sumerian pantheon consists of a number of gods who are all related to one another. But if the Anunnaki were real. Also see the woman in Revelation 12:6 (which is the Bride being resuced to a place of safety for the duration of the Great Tribulation of 1260 days or 3.5 years. 2 "strong delusion" and "lie" information see the SUMERIAN gods FAMILY TREE here. Anunnaki The documentary is called The ancient of days referring to the etching of William Blake (God putting order in the universe) I also believe this God they worship is Satan lord of the physical realm, or Lucifer the false light (Statue of liberty, Freemasons, olympic torch) Jesus is light! The Sumerians are a race of gods . Ki - The Earth goddess Named after the Earth itself, Ki was a direct descendent of Nammu. [citation needed]. where he described in great detail the Anunnaki. [17]:75 He was the patron and creator of humanity[17]:75 and the sponsor of human culture. One of the four gods to whom creation was attributed, Enki was primarily the god of fresh water, and was said to have filled the Tigris and Euphrates rivers with both water and marine life. For example, although Engur was the original personification of the Abzu, it was later declared that Enki, who was something of a stepson to him, was in charge of all water, and even later, the Abzu was deemed a deity in and of itself in the Babylonian version of events. [14]:179 The Akkadians syncretized their own gods with the Sumerian ones,[14]:179 causing Sumerian religion to take on a Semitic coloration. Accept [14]:179 Each Sumerian city-state had its own specific patron deity,[14]:179 who was believed to protect the city and defend its interests. Im very confused about your reaction to the Wes Penre message from the Annunaki King. Hadad (or Adad) - storm and rain god; Enlil (or Ashur) - god of air, head of the Assyrian and Sumerian pantheon; Anu (or An) - god of heaven and the sky, lord of constellations, and father of the gods; Dagon (or Dagan) - god of fertility; Enki (or Ea) - god of the Abzu, crafts, water, intelligence, mischief and creation and divine ruler of the Earth and its humans [11] Underneath the terrestrial earth, which formed the base of the dome, existed an underworld and a freshwater ocean called the Abzu. For anyone wondering why some gods have two names, it's because Mesopotamia wasn't a place with a unified language.
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